october ends

Sunday, November 1, 2009 · Posted in , , ,

well well well.
October always be my favorite month.
I don't know why, I just feel a LOT of good thing happen in October
oh yes sir, I was born on October. :p
another good thing, huh ! :]

It's now November. and suddenly I feel scared.
I'm feelin' like my time is almost come.
well, FYI. I plan to go overseas.
I will finish my study in the end of this November.
and yeah, now I'm scared.
I just can't explain what I feel, but it's kinda scary and yet excited :)

phewww !
well, forget that for a while. I'm going to share my current playlist to you.
I'm now currently addicted to these songs.
yeah, it's kinda mellow than what I usually played.
excuse me for being such a lame :D

1. when it rains - paramore
2. the wind blows - All American Rejects
3. Empty - click five
4. the first one - boys like girls
5. things i'll never say - Avril
6. yellow - coldplay
7. breakin - All American Rejects
8. weightless - All time low
9. blood on my hands - the used
10. Born to quit - the used
11. sold my soul - the used
12. watered down - the used
13. attention - the academy is
14. (If you're wondering If I want you too) I want you to - weezer
15. Addicted - simple plan
16. love drunk - boys like girls
17. brick by boring brick - paramore
18. turn it off - paramore
19. no hablo ingles - bowling for soup
20. the sadness - bring me the horizon

write down your current playlist here, fellas !
I'd like to know :)

8 Responses to “october ends”

  1. I love october too. Cos that is the month that it starts to get cold here. I love colder months.

    wow. My playlist are all old school rock. hihihi.

    am old.

    I Am Denise Katipunera

  2. Hahhhhhh........ Setelah mandangin blog-post ini buka tutup buka tutup, akhirnya saya comment juga.
    Sy post sebuah puisi singkat di sini yaaa.. :D

    Membaca isi perasaanmu, perasaan ini berbaur... Aku tahu ini bakal terjadi, tapi tetap saja setiap teringat akan hal ini, napas jadi sesak.

    Aku senang karna kamu akan semakin dekat dengan mimpimu,karna tekadmu sudah cukup bulat, kamu akan pergi untuk waktu yang tidak terbatas, mengejar apa yang kamu inginkan!

    Aku sedih karna nantinya tidak akan lagi saat gila2an bersama, nyanyi bersama, jalan bersama, makan bersama, curhat, cerita, banyak sekalii yang telah kita lakukan bersama....aku tidak ada di sisimu lagi saat kamu memerlukan seorang teman untuk berbagi..

    Aku sedih karna aku takut nantinya kita tidak akan sedekat sekarang ini, aku akan sangat kehilangan..kehilangan seorang teman, sahabat, keluargaa...

    Aku sedih karna aku yakin tidak akan menemukan lagi seseorang yang seperti dirimu, dengan segala kelebihan, kekurangan, dan keunikanmu..

    Aku ...

    by: Anonymous

    Ahh, dibalik semua rasa itu, i thank to God, when the first time i saw you, He moves me to say hi and talk to you!! :)

    Love and hugs for you.

    Your ... [fill it urself] :p

  3. @ denise : just visited your blog, darl. it's ubercool ! :) will link you on my blog ! enjoyin it much !! :D

  4. @C2HEC3K :

    ahhh !! fuck !!!! I really hate this part !!!! I hate November !! I hate your poem [well, though I swear it's a good one] I just dont like how it makes me feel like i'm gonna leaving tomorrow after reading it :(

    I LOATHEEEEE goodbyes !!
    oh yeah, excuse me for being such a corny. thank Holy God for he made me finding a sister like you. :D

    ps : i'm gonna miss that room ! LOH !! hahahaha..

  5. I just dont like how it makes me feel like i'm gonna leaving tomorrow after reading it :( >> Hahaha...sorry for making you felt so, but i very seldom make poem, when those words were appear in my head, i felt have to write it down. hahaha..

    Hahaha.. me, too.. I'm gonna miss that room and the persons inside it! LOL

  6. hahahahaha... LOL. the last line makes me rolling on floor, laughing. hahaha

  7. wah,mw kuliah d luar y pw
    dmn ne ? enaknya, huhuhu
    oia,maap pw aq blm sempet bls d FB
    minggu2 ne d sibukan tugas dan ujian mid semester, huff !

    oia,skrng playlistku :
    Monkey To Millionaire - Replika (lirikny mungkin km suka pw, *soal plagiat/copy cat gt, hehe)
    Monkey To Millionaire - Strange Is The Song In Our Conversation
    Amazing In Bed - My Kick Ass Lover
    Amazing In Bed - Hancur dan Berserak
    Paramore - Playing God
    Paramore - Turn It Off

    NB : tu aq uda kirim emailny pw, tp baru band Five Kids Go dl...Something About Lola yg baruny nyusul ntar y...

  8. hehe. bukan kuliah sih. kerja :)
    gapapa pan, gue juga jarang deh facebookan. haha. udah males. baca post gue sebelumnya kan.. huehehe..

    hmm.. nter coba gue cari deh playlist lo. kayanya seru deh. hehehe.. monkey to millionaire itu wajib denger.. :D

    ohh.. kirim ke email ya ? okey2. gue udah lama ngga ngecek email ding.. thanks ya :D


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