Because It's Too Deep Even The Ocean Is Jealous

Monday, October 15, 2012 · Posted in ,

Happiness is a state of two people in love being intertwined.

So this is about the one that always remember the every little of me.

The one that remembers the clothes I wore when we first met.
The one that remembers the clothes I wore every time we met.
The one that remembers the haircut I had.
The one that remembers the type of car I used.
The one that remembers the color of car I used.
The one that remembers the scooter I ride.
The one that remembers the car I took picture at.
The one that remembers the details of your every pictures on Facebook even wayyy better than you (and also secretly grabbed 'em).
The one that remembers the places you both met.

Even when it was 8 years ago.

This is also about the one that amazingly patient for bearing with me.

The one that patiently answering my repeatedly (and unending) questions.
The one that patiently trying to calm me down when I'm on rage.
The one that patiently listen to me when I complain a lot about him for not being perfect to me (C'mon, I'm a girl y'know. That's how we roll).

Even when he already listen to it for the hundredth times.

This is about the one that always understand me.

The one that understand that I have a different kind of mind to trust.
The one that understand my every complaints to him even how doesn't make sense it may sound.
The one that understand my every sarcasm ( hahaha ! ).
The one that understand what I need and always fulfill what I want.

Even when he already give most of what he has.

This is about the one that knows how quirky and cynical you are but still want you in his life (because he was thinking 'what the hell I can do so I can touch her feelings).

This is about the one that was engaged, but did enough crazy things to tell you how he fell in love with you.

This is about the one that has a not-quite-supportive family towards interfaith relationships but still fight the best he could for you.

This is also about the one that was once a bad-ass player but you can hear how his friends are telling you how happy he is with you, how you can hear his family is telling that he's never been this happier, how you can hear how happy you you've made him.

The one that makes you happy because you know you are the reason of his happiness. It's really something you can't describe.

3 Responses to “Because It's Too Deep Even The Ocean Is Jealous”

  1. It looks like you fall too deep with him and I am happy for you even if I am your new reader.. :)
    The part about he had 13 exes and not included secret girlfriends was funny!! :p

    welcome to visit:

  2. It's because he is that sweet. :))
    Yeah, that was my fave part when mocking him too. xD

    Just stumbled to your blog btw, it's too awesome I'm jealous. :(

    1. Oh, I could see that, the way you post a story about him. :)

      Whyyyy? Hehe, oh don't be jealous. :D


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