Olla !
Just went back from Kuala Lumpur few days ago.
Well, this is my 6th times there so what makes it more exciting this time was because I went there with my BF. *blushes*
It's just cute remembering how I plan to live there few years ago but then I canceled it (because of him) and managed to had a holiday together with him. :3
Well, my last trip was fun. Selama ini tiep liburan semuanya terorganisir dengan baik. I never used public transportation, selalu make van atau taksi dan ga pernah bener-bener tau jalan karena taunya cuma naik taksi trus sampe. And that was not really my kind of holiday. I always want a trip di mana bawa duit cuma dikit, trus nyari jalan sampe nyasar. Well yeah, sounds weird but it just feels more fun to me. :)) So this time I quite made it. Refused to took taxi or van and insisted to use bus or public transportation. Yeah, sedikit banyak mirip seperti apa yang dipengenin lah walaupun belum survival-survival amat liburannya. But I'm still really waiting towards a trip where I can totally go backpacking everywhere. :))
Oh, btw I picked Sky Express Hotel this time. It's a new built hotel and the room was awesome. It has 7 Eleven next to the hotel so we can sneaked out at 2 A.M to had Noodles. :3
My new year eve was sweet. Muka dan kepala abis disembur-sembur. Baju dan sepatu kena noda pink bekas semprotan yang nempel ga mau ilang ( T_T ), but it was worth it to have a peck on the cheek from your loved ones greeting you happy new year. Such a sweet way to celebrate new year. :p
I got this keychain from him, anyway. Pretty cute to make me feel like a 13 y/o. :))